Uhg!! I spent most of my weekend looking for a new car. My sweet Hog has reached it's last leg, and now I must put her out to pasture. It really sucked too. I have been tackling cooling system problems all summer. A new radiator some faulty hoses. Somewhere in all the over heatings I've had I seem to have cracked the head. Oil and radiator fluid leaks out worse than the Valdez. And my mechanic told me replacing a head on a 91 Astro is akin to buying a new engine which is like buying a new car, so go look around. I first tried looking at newer Astros in hopes of finding a van that would mash like the Hog did. But none seemed to spark that special feeling I have for the one I'm driving now. So I'm going ultra family and switching it up with a Saturn wagon. Where the first thing to grace it's homogenous body will be a Floater sticker. And then I will have to spend weeks figuring a new nickname for the sweet ride. Any suggestions?