Mother fucking Mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is twice in one week that I've gotten f'ed by this whole astrology b.s. On weds. I had a dental apt. on my way to it I noticed my other car driving away down the street. I chased after it with the intent to kill who ever stole it. My neighbor drives up next to me gives me the what the fuck look. I return it with the i have no fucking clue look. We work our way over to box the car in, then we jump out and I'm gettin ready to mob the shit out of someone, when I recognize the guy drivin was a friend of my ex's. Anywayshe neglected to tell me he was barrowing the car. Then today I eventually make my way out to my van, and notice that the passenger door was not shut completely. Great, some fucker was in my shit, but thankfully nothing was stolen out of it. But low and behold I'm looking for my wallet, and just remembered I left it in my van last night. and it's not there now. Fucking Mars
wishicould-have never heard of astrology
This is twice in one week that I've gotten f'ed by this whole astrology b.s. On weds. I had a dental apt. on my way to it I noticed my other car driving away down the street. I chased after it with the intent to kill who ever stole it. My neighbor drives up next to me gives me the what the fuck look. I return it with the i have no fucking clue look. We work our way over to box the car in, then we jump out and I'm gettin ready to mob the shit out of someone, when I recognize the guy drivin was a friend of my ex's. Anywayshe neglected to tell me he was barrowing the car. Then today I eventually make my way out to my van, and notice that the passenger door was not shut completely. Great, some fucker was in my shit, but thankfully nothing was stolen out of it. But low and behold I'm looking for my wallet, and just remembered I left it in my van last night. and it's not there now. Fucking Mars
wishicould-have never heard of astrology
Fucking planets, and space and universe. I hate them.
XOX- a very jittery LuluMae