I forgot to have my kids call their mom for her birthday the other day. Even though I have moved on with my life. It seems that I forget that they are still a part of hers. Sitting on the sofa with them and watching movies sometimes feels easier then thinking about her. I know I'm missing something in my rationalization but I don't quite get it. I'm not trying to fuck up her day, but it just always works out that way for me. Or at least for her anyway.
I guess that the sg boy beater I bought her wasn't enough, just kidding.

According to both the Thoth deck and the traditional Tarot teachings The Fool is Trump/ATU O (zero). The Magus or The Magickian is Trump/ATU I. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and its Gematria value is one. It corresponds to the 11th path on the Tree Of Life which connects the first Sephirot (KETHER/Crown) to the second Sephirot (CHOKMAH/Wisdom).
Qabbalah can be spelled several ways. Kabbalah, Cabala, etc. All are correct.
aaaaaaah. Yea.