presto changeo....I am now the wise gorilla man.
Ever really need a "cuddle"? As a guy its hard to admit it but really, there is something awsome about wraping your arms around a woman and just sitting enjoying her smell, warmth, and to feel her breathing. I'm so lame.
Physical condition..............good
Mental condition.................unstable
Request diagnostic.............Fuck off!
Request diagnostic.............I siad fuck off!
Running checklist...............GF not found
Request for action..............Listen ass, fuck off!
Mental condition.................unstable
Request diagnostic.............Fuck off!
Request diagnostic.............I siad fuck off!
Running checklist...............GF not found
Request for action..............Listen ass, fuck off!
Hey I thought that was my line!
nope.......i work at kmart overnight...
Fun, Fun in the sun, sun. Well I finally found out that there was another Tick fan on the site that knew the quote. I was curious how long it would take before he/she steped forward. The correct line is "The mad bomber WHAT bombs at midnight." Not that anyone gives a flying whopti shit.
Final report: The only good thing about the SG party...
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Final report: The only good thing about the SG party...
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trading 4 discs of tick for 4 discs of zim.....when I find them I'll try to remember to see if I can copy them so that they might want to hound me.
-I think there are MANY tick fans on the site that know the quote. I did, I just never thought to say anything about your posting of it,
-I think there are MANY tick fans on the site that know the quote. I did, I just never thought to say anything about your posting of it,
You have no idea how excited it makes me when I see that I'm a favorite! AND I'm sandwiched in between the beautiful Siren and Veronica. Holy hell, I must be a lucky girl!
I have been spurned once again. Veronica (my reason for going to the party) has denied me her love. So it is. She gave a good reason...just not the answer I wanted. We all have tried eh? My search continues for lover and companion.
Note that after oh so long...Gumby has found Viagra. See how happy he is.
I'm sorry, but this is killing me...It's "the midnight bomber WHAT bombs at midnight"...sorry, just a big Tick fan....
I have been spurned once again. Veronica (my reason for going to the party) has denied me her love. So it is. She gave a good reason...just not the answer I wanted. We all have tried eh? My search continues for lover and companion.
This is way too much fun. I have to get out before I photograph everything in my house...wait...more stuff out side to click...must resist darkside...will fading...its the black beast of arrrrrggghhh!
Ahahahaha I love your pic that is sooo funny!!!
so it's you leaving all those late night stinkies in the toilet. eeeewww!!
I just got a digital camera. Life is good. Free porn for all.
it's me!
that's a loooooong tongue, my friend
My friend had a three-some in my bed today and didn't invite me. He's a rude bastard.
do you know my boy? do i know you?
Just discoverd a muse today. Marla. I think I will use her pics as a base of some drawings I have been trying to complete.
Current status: Solber 8(
Current status: Solber 8(
Life is good.
Why can't my phone at work have a penalty buzzer for stupid people? STUPID SHOULD HURT!