the cafe job was given to someone else.
even though i called the guy twice telling
him that i was getting my drug test friday.
& i passed it. *thank god*
my friend kyle wants me to be one of his
models for his body graffiti venture... i
keep telling him i'm not as skinny little girl
like the other girls... Read More
interview at CR went down the drain. almost 100% positive about that.
as far as the other job, i had the drug test today.
10 cups of water and 45 minutes, barely could go.
today was one big clusterfuck to say the least.
i was supposed to be getting my license done, the drug test, and an
eye appt. but due to the fact... Read More
i have a lot to get used to.
it feels like half of me has just been ripped away. there's a void where i held mike in my heart. he insists that he and the bitch didn't do anything but i really don't even care. i'm done with the mind games and being controlled like a child. i'm tired of begging him to talk to... Read More
soo it's 4 am, i just got home.
interesting last two days i suppose.
chilled with some people i haven't
seen in a while. it was nice... blehh.
on a good note, mike & i aren't
arguing as much as before. just
gotta remind him of his own words...
"this is a two way street". hah.
oh! and keeping my mouth shut about
problems we... Read More
alrightyyy soo i've been super busy the last couple days.
...with what?
i revamped their entire page. twice over.
basically they're a uprising hardcore band out of charlotte,
staring my best-friend's boyfriend as vocals. so go check
out the page, add them, tell us what you think of the new
look. they've only got a rough version of a song up atm
but new... Read More