so today i found out i've finally made it out of algebra hah... how pathetic is that right?
well this means friday will be my last day in school... till i move on to college anyway.
i'm pretty fucking excited. planning on going to charlotte for a few days pretty soon...
dunno when, but i'm definitely going. my best friend, khrystina, lives there and i havent
seen her since thanksgiving 08. i'm super excited.
mike, the guy i was dating when i started coming on this site, lives in jersey now. messy
break up and all i just can't get over him and it hurts. he wants me to move up there and
start all over again with him. i just dont know what to do. yeah, i love him more than just
about anything in this world but after all the shit he put me though, and still does, i really
dont think me going up there would change anything. he was only supposed to go back
for a month, and then 2 weeks, then it turned into for good. he was supposed to come
back home and go to school with me in the spring, we were going to get our own place,
work full time, balance school with everything else in the mix... but he just left.
i understand that he needed to go... he just didn't have what it takes to make it on his own.
i mean for christ's sake, he lived in a hotel room that his mom and grandpa paid for for 4
months, refused to ever clean, and never did his own laundry. but we get in a fight, a
real one, not a little bickering back and forth argument.. i'm talking full out screaming match
that ends with him choking me until i lost my breath. all because he insists that i was
flirting with a friend of mine... the same friend he'd gotten into an argument with a few
months before. and then to leave without even saying bye... after ignoring me for almost
a week... again. really? he thinks i'm just going to save all i've got to move up to jersey
and be with him... i don't see any point if he's just going to keep treating me like shit.
maybe i'm the crazy one?
anyway... life's changing pretty quick around here. i'm excited. but there's so much i'm not
sure about and just wish there were more stable people in my life.
well this means friday will be my last day in school... till i move on to college anyway.
i'm pretty fucking excited. planning on going to charlotte for a few days pretty soon...
dunno when, but i'm definitely going. my best friend, khrystina, lives there and i havent
seen her since thanksgiving 08. i'm super excited.
mike, the guy i was dating when i started coming on this site, lives in jersey now. messy
break up and all i just can't get over him and it hurts. he wants me to move up there and
start all over again with him. i just dont know what to do. yeah, i love him more than just
about anything in this world but after all the shit he put me though, and still does, i really
dont think me going up there would change anything. he was only supposed to go back
for a month, and then 2 weeks, then it turned into for good. he was supposed to come
back home and go to school with me in the spring, we were going to get our own place,
work full time, balance school with everything else in the mix... but he just left.
i understand that he needed to go... he just didn't have what it takes to make it on his own.
i mean for christ's sake, he lived in a hotel room that his mom and grandpa paid for for 4
months, refused to ever clean, and never did his own laundry. but we get in a fight, a
real one, not a little bickering back and forth argument.. i'm talking full out screaming match
that ends with him choking me until i lost my breath. all because he insists that i was
flirting with a friend of mine... the same friend he'd gotten into an argument with a few
months before. and then to leave without even saying bye... after ignoring me for almost
a week... again. really? he thinks i'm just going to save all i've got to move up to jersey
and be with him... i don't see any point if he's just going to keep treating me like shit.
maybe i'm the crazy one?
anyway... life's changing pretty quick around here. i'm excited. but there's so much i'm not
sure about and just wish there were more stable people in my life.
Congrats on algebra! im sure you will see it again though. Your not crazy. No matter how pissed someone is they shouldn't attack you. Sorry to hear your are in bad space about it. I hope things work out for ya. Im sure they will. Take some time to process it all.
sounds like he would be perfect for Snooki, maybe you gotta let that jem make his own way in jersey