The plot thickens everyday, and the pieces of my puzzle keep crumbling away; but I know, there's a picture beneath.
Right through my fingers back into my heart. Where it's out of reach and in the dark.
Im Falling To Pieces too!! wink
LOL I was sitting on the couch thinking that I bet you didnt know that I knew that!! Im so full of suprizes!! love
Last night was so much fun! I still haven't slept. By the time me and kate quit it was around 7 AM; and I had to stay up to wait for the plumber. LOL
Your the best!! Thanks bunches!! kiss
I rearranged my living room, and like it! Also, I figured out what's taking me so long to wire my house. My OCD, I need to just let perfection and artistic quality go or I'll keep re-working the same things forever! EL SUICIDO LOCO
HAHAHAHA tongue Your so funny!!

All you need was to feng shui!! wink What are you doing this weekend?? I'll give ya a call on friday, eirther way!!

Love ya kiss
Excess robbed me again of another day. ARRR!!!
Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. Heard by a friend of moine (Crisy).