"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases."
-- Thomas Jefferson
That kids, is why I am a Republican. Those few of you that check my profile know I usually let the quotes speak for themselves, but so few know what the core values of the party are. I may not believe what G.W. Bush says and I may or may not vote for him come November, but that is why I am a Republican. Four core values: Smaller federal goverment, more localized control of goverment, lower taxes, and a strong military (which hopefully we will never need). Those values are the old-school Republicans, not the far religious right that has come out. I endure a lot of shit from our generation about being a Republican, but I believe in these core beliefs. I have points which I go against the party, mostly because I am pro-choice, but I still feel these four things are essential.
I know I am opening myself to a deluge of flames on this site, but please leave any discussion relevant to these four things and I will respond. Otherwise, you are just being an ass.
-- Thomas Jefferson
That kids, is why I am a Republican. Those few of you that check my profile know I usually let the quotes speak for themselves, but so few know what the core values of the party are. I may not believe what G.W. Bush says and I may or may not vote for him come November, but that is why I am a Republican. Four core values: Smaller federal goverment, more localized control of goverment, lower taxes, and a strong military (which hopefully we will never need). Those values are the old-school Republicans, not the far religious right that has come out. I endure a lot of shit from our generation about being a Republican, but I believe in these core beliefs. I have points which I go against the party, mostly because I am pro-choice, but I still feel these four things are essential.
I know I am opening myself to a deluge of flames on this site, but please leave any discussion relevant to these four things and I will respond. Otherwise, you are just being an ass.