Yes, "Riff Raff" is quite's amusing, the British working-class accents are so thick throughout, it's actually's typical Loach fare, realistic, ensembled characers, massively political. Have you ever seen "Hidden Agenda?" It's interesting...Loach went to law school and always regretted not practising...he has said that it would have been less "self-indulgent" than making movies, and he would have ultimately been able to help people more directly...what do you think of that? I can see his point, but I think that cinema would be missing something overall without a piece of Loach's talent in the fabric...
My favorite song right now is "Remember Me" by Elak, a band (?) I've never heard of before, but it's on a "Hi Fidelity Lounge" compilation that a friend burned for me. I think it's quite are you...
My favorite song right now is "Remember Me" by Elak, a band (?) I've never heard of before, but it's on a "Hi Fidelity Lounge" compilation that a friend burned for me. I think it's quite are you...
Its got a funky beat and you can dance to it
[Edited on Jan 08, 2003]
[Edited on Jan 08, 2003]