This is my "hello world" post. smile

My boyfriend gave me a SG membership for Christmas -- extremely unexpected and extremely welcome!

Also got from him:

1) $300 gift certificate to the Bliss Spa at the W Hotel downtown.
2) A teeshirt from Busted Tees that says "You Have Died From Dysentary" ~ from Oregan Trail, for all you non-80s kids.
3) A Flying Spaghetti Monster...
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Hello right back at you!

The church of the flying spaghetti monster rules.

Ebay is the place for vintage dress patterns. Don't ask me how I know. I am a straight guy- I am not supposed to know these things.
Awesome, thanks! I'll check it out, but somehow I think I should probably start with something easy, like pillows, given my vast inexperience with sewing. smile