I feel crushed right now. gut punched by the two women i sought to build a future with in the same year.
First the girl a spent 8 years with in a relationship with only to get dumped because she started to like her friends more then me, and now by the woman who has loved me all those years, finally looks to have the future we have always wanted, then gets cold feet out of fear she'll wreck our friendship.
I honestly would love to know who i pissed off to receive this rotten string of luck. Over the past 5 years I have constantly had to endure hardship after hardship. I put up with everything from natural disasters to prejudice family members. I endured it all because i though i had the full support of my partner. now i have lost that support twice in less then 6 months, and not just from random people. From the 2 women that meant more to me then any other person on earth.
My life continues to spiral further and further down the shitter. Plans i was mapping out are totally worthless now. Shining lights have been snuffed out. I was treading water, now i'm sinking. there has to be a way out of this, but it has eluded me for half a decade and counting.
First the girl a spent 8 years with in a relationship with only to get dumped because she started to like her friends more then me, and now by the woman who has loved me all those years, finally looks to have the future we have always wanted, then gets cold feet out of fear she'll wreck our friendship.
I honestly would love to know who i pissed off to receive this rotten string of luck. Over the past 5 years I have constantly had to endure hardship after hardship. I put up with everything from natural disasters to prejudice family members. I endured it all because i though i had the full support of my partner. now i have lost that support twice in less then 6 months, and not just from random people. From the 2 women that meant more to me then any other person on earth.
My life continues to spiral further and further down the shitter. Plans i was mapping out are totally worthless now. Shining lights have been snuffed out. I was treading water, now i'm sinking. there has to be a way out of this, but it has eluded me for half a decade and counting.
thats how i medicate.
Yeah, I got to the top of my league and games have gotten quite annoying. Guys are either really cheesy, or I make stupid decisions. I'm determined to get better though