One of the best conversations I've ever had on the internet occurred last night, and I've got the transcript to prove it:
(censored): look at a particular block in the url:
wingedyouth: what, diet.sperm.ap?
(censored): from the makers of Sperm Dry and Sperm Blue (tap the peppermint glacier!)
wingedyouth: Hee hee
wingedyouth: Sperm LITE
wingedyouth: Sperm ONE
(censored): Sperm Zero
wingedyouth: All the great sperm taste
wingedyouth: OH GOD NO I WENT THERE
(censored): Sperm Berryclear ReMix
wingedyouth: HAHAHA
(censored): Sperm: Code Red
(censored): Orange Sperm
(censored): me-ron su-pa-mu
wingedyouth: Sperm: Pitch Black
(censored): Dr. Sperm
(censored): Sperm-Up
(censored): Royal Sperm Cola
wingedyouth: Spunk, the Sam's club alternative
(censored): Vanilla Cherry Sperm (a Fountain Classic)
wingedyouth: Gomen ne Sperm
(censored): Boss: Sperm
wingedyouth: Sperm si
(censored): Sperm? Si.
wingedyouth: Dr. Brown's Diet Fudge Sperm
(censored): hours i could do this
wingedyouth: Cherry Sperm-ade
(censored): Stewart's Key Lime Sperm
wingedyouth: Jones' Sperm Implosion
wingedyouth: try not to think too hard about that last one
(censored): too late
wingedyouth: HAHAHA
(censored): Rock Star (...Sperm!)
wingedyouth: Starbuck's DoubleSperm
(censored): good one
(censored): Sperm2
wingedyouth: Sperm EDGE
(censored): New Sperm
(censored): (that took awhile)
wingedyouth: Crystal Sperm
wingedyouth: RIGHT NOW!
(censored): DaSpermi
(censored): ...i'm sory for that
(censored): *sorry
wingedyouth: PermCroix
(censored): LeSperm, surely?
wingedyouth: did I leave the S off of that one?
wingedyouth: LAsperm
(censored): Clearly Canadian Sperm
wingedyouth: Spermier'
(censored): Spermtopia
wingedyouth: Tazo Sperm Infusion
(censored): Little Penguin Sperm
wingedyouth: Arizona Spermology Herbal Tonic
wingedyouth: Sobe Lizard Sperm
(censored): Chubby
(censored): it's just fun to say
wingedyouth: HAHAHAHAHA
wingedyouth: And disturbingly topical
wingedyouth: I Like my sugar with coffee and sperm
(censored): Strawberry Creme Frapachino
wingedyouth: hmmm
wingedyouth: Can you work some sperm into that?
(censored): i was doing creme = sprem
wingedyouth: OOh Sprem
(censored): Spermberry Creme Frapachino
wingedyouth: There we go
(censored): Spermberry... gross.
wingedyouth: It's a delicate blend of Strawberries, raspberries, tazo black currant tea and a generous hint of Sperm
wingedyouth: wow
wingedyouth: Gotta be a record for this oe
(censored): aaaaaaand i'm about out
(censored): get your last thoughts in
wingedyouth: can you grab me a Seven and Sperm on the way out?
(censored): Sperm on the Beach
wingedyouth: Screaming Sperm
(censored): Long Island Iced Sperm
(censored): you've opened the flood gates
wingedyouth: Spermermeister
(censored): that was my nick name in high school
(censored): GOOD NIGHT
(censored): look at a particular block in the url:
wingedyouth: what, diet.sperm.ap?
(censored): from the makers of Sperm Dry and Sperm Blue (tap the peppermint glacier!)
wingedyouth: Hee hee
wingedyouth: Sperm LITE
wingedyouth: Sperm ONE
(censored): Sperm Zero
wingedyouth: All the great sperm taste
wingedyouth: OH GOD NO I WENT THERE
(censored): Sperm Berryclear ReMix
wingedyouth: HAHAHA
(censored): Sperm: Code Red
(censored): Orange Sperm
(censored): me-ron su-pa-mu
wingedyouth: Sperm: Pitch Black
(censored): Dr. Sperm
(censored): Sperm-Up
(censored): Royal Sperm Cola
wingedyouth: Spunk, the Sam's club alternative
(censored): Vanilla Cherry Sperm (a Fountain Classic)
wingedyouth: Gomen ne Sperm
(censored): Boss: Sperm
wingedyouth: Sperm si
(censored): Sperm? Si.
wingedyouth: Dr. Brown's Diet Fudge Sperm
(censored): hours i could do this
wingedyouth: Cherry Sperm-ade
(censored): Stewart's Key Lime Sperm
wingedyouth: Jones' Sperm Implosion
wingedyouth: try not to think too hard about that last one
(censored): too late
wingedyouth: HAHAHA
(censored): Rock Star (...Sperm!)
wingedyouth: Starbuck's DoubleSperm
(censored): good one
(censored): Sperm2
wingedyouth: Sperm EDGE
(censored): New Sperm
(censored): (that took awhile)
wingedyouth: Crystal Sperm
wingedyouth: RIGHT NOW!
(censored): DaSpermi
(censored): ...i'm sory for that
(censored): *sorry
wingedyouth: PermCroix
(censored): LeSperm, surely?
wingedyouth: did I leave the S off of that one?
wingedyouth: LAsperm
(censored): Clearly Canadian Sperm
wingedyouth: Spermier'
(censored): Spermtopia
wingedyouth: Tazo Sperm Infusion
(censored): Little Penguin Sperm
wingedyouth: Arizona Spermology Herbal Tonic
wingedyouth: Sobe Lizard Sperm
(censored): Chubby
(censored): it's just fun to say
wingedyouth: HAHAHAHAHA
wingedyouth: And disturbingly topical
wingedyouth: I Like my sugar with coffee and sperm
(censored): Strawberry Creme Frapachino
wingedyouth: hmmm
wingedyouth: Can you work some sperm into that?
(censored): i was doing creme = sprem
wingedyouth: OOh Sprem
(censored): Spermberry Creme Frapachino
wingedyouth: There we go
(censored): Spermberry... gross.
wingedyouth: It's a delicate blend of Strawberries, raspberries, tazo black currant tea and a generous hint of Sperm
wingedyouth: wow
wingedyouth: Gotta be a record for this oe
(censored): aaaaaaand i'm about out
(censored): get your last thoughts in
wingedyouth: can you grab me a Seven and Sperm on the way out?
(censored): Sperm on the Beach
wingedyouth: Screaming Sperm
(censored): Long Island Iced Sperm
(censored): you've opened the flood gates
wingedyouth: Spermermeister
(censored): that was my nick name in high school
(censored): GOOD NIGHT
I always really thought Vanilla Coke tasted kind of like sperm actually...