I had a hell of a day.
Had breakfast this morning with the lady I've been dating (who called me sweet last time I saw her). She decided to drop the bomb on me with "I don't want to get burned again. I don't want to be a rebound girl. That's a valid fear, right?" This was pretty strange to hear, considering I had never even mentioned I was recently out of a long relationship. Of course, I had to agree with her, and the general feeling at the end of our breakfast was that she didn't want to risk it, and I was willing to accept that.
As the day progressed and my chest got tighter and tighter, fearing that, once again I had done something horrible and irreversibly blown my chance at something amazing, I concluded that no, I wasn't willing to accept that. So I called her, and we met.
It came out over the course of the conversation that she really wanted to be with me and I with her, but she, having been in a relationship that should not have occurred (read: rebound) recently, was genuinely scared. I was okay with that. I told her about my ex and the events leading to our break-up. Which of course led to her question: "I guess the real test is, if she were to call you right now, and say she wanted to get back together, what would you say?"
I told her that I'd have to decline, which she believed and I meant with all of my heart.
So the conversation ended with my terrible metaphor: "Let's not close the book on this one quite yet. At least read a few more chapters and see where it goes."
She smiled, agreed, and expressed how much she's looking forward to our road trip this weekend.
So, I guess she really did mean I'm sweet
Had breakfast this morning with the lady I've been dating (who called me sweet last time I saw her). She decided to drop the bomb on me with "I don't want to get burned again. I don't want to be a rebound girl. That's a valid fear, right?" This was pretty strange to hear, considering I had never even mentioned I was recently out of a long relationship. Of course, I had to agree with her, and the general feeling at the end of our breakfast was that she didn't want to risk it, and I was willing to accept that.
As the day progressed and my chest got tighter and tighter, fearing that, once again I had done something horrible and irreversibly blown my chance at something amazing, I concluded that no, I wasn't willing to accept that. So I called her, and we met.
It came out over the course of the conversation that she really wanted to be with me and I with her, but she, having been in a relationship that should not have occurred (read: rebound) recently, was genuinely scared. I was okay with that. I told her about my ex and the events leading to our break-up. Which of course led to her question: "I guess the real test is, if she were to call you right now, and say she wanted to get back together, what would you say?"
I told her that I'd have to decline, which she believed and I meant with all of my heart.
So the conversation ended with my terrible metaphor: "Let's not close the book on this one quite yet. At least read a few more chapters and see where it goes."
She smiled, agreed, and expressed how much she's looking forward to our road trip this weekend.
So, I guess she really did mean I'm sweet

well, personally, i love your profile picture.