The final and complete word list from a recent game of Freestyle Scrabble between me and three of my friends:
N3RD0S: a breakfast cereal
pronounced "ree-yeh") the word that describes what happens when you have multiple letter duplications in a word that are silent (i.e. queue)
Jehown: the past tense verb for when someone has become converted to be a Jehovas witness
Qundt: a circular shaped cake given as a gift of malice and / or spite
Puge: a luge for dogs
Vetoe: what the white house would have passed were Dan Quayle elected
Voltzer: someone who has arms that carry an electrical charge
Liney: hip euphemism that anorexic girls use to describe themselves
Nyillur: the pronunciation of the word yellow used by back country hillbillies from TN
Fa_dso: the hesitation and eventual change of the phrase fatso that is used to avoid insulting a fast approaching fat person
Deftel: a subsidiary of Nextel that produces cellular phones with sign language display capabilities
ADT: the anti-Bob Barker group, acronym for Animal Testicle Defense
Ruslang: the term for the language spoken by people who think they can speak Russian, but cant
Auxoey: An Auxiliary that is connected to other auxiliaries but can never be used.
Oboho: an oboe player who sells their skills down on the corner
Embrafie: a series of artist whose work is reminiscent of great children's music artist Raffi
Drnimacd: what happens when youre draining the water from you macaroni and you spill some of it on you
*Cosblisk: an Egyptian obelisk covered in jell-o brand pudding
Snomo: a homosexual Inuit
Prings: the sound that one makes when eating Pringles
Kwazie: the adjective describing how things can get at our annual Kwanza celebrations
Jeast: slang pronunciation of just
KAAN (!!!): Shatner lingo
Cooops: what someone screams running into a factory where all the illegals are
Vatd: what happened to Tommy Lee Jones in the Batman movie when he fell into that vat of acidy stuff
N3RD0S: a breakfast cereal

Jehown: the past tense verb for when someone has become converted to be a Jehovas witness
Qundt: a circular shaped cake given as a gift of malice and / or spite
Puge: a luge for dogs
Vetoe: what the white house would have passed were Dan Quayle elected
Voltzer: someone who has arms that carry an electrical charge
Liney: hip euphemism that anorexic girls use to describe themselves
Nyillur: the pronunciation of the word yellow used by back country hillbillies from TN
Fa_dso: the hesitation and eventual change of the phrase fatso that is used to avoid insulting a fast approaching fat person
Deftel: a subsidiary of Nextel that produces cellular phones with sign language display capabilities
ADT: the anti-Bob Barker group, acronym for Animal Testicle Defense
Ruslang: the term for the language spoken by people who think they can speak Russian, but cant
Auxoey: An Auxiliary that is connected to other auxiliaries but can never be used.
Oboho: an oboe player who sells their skills down on the corner
Embrafie: a series of artist whose work is reminiscent of great children's music artist Raffi
Drnimacd: what happens when youre draining the water from you macaroni and you spill some of it on you
*Cosblisk: an Egyptian obelisk covered in jell-o brand pudding
Snomo: a homosexual Inuit
Prings: the sound that one makes when eating Pringles
Kwazie: the adjective describing how things can get at our annual Kwanza celebrations
Jeast: slang pronunciation of just
KAAN (!!!): Shatner lingo
Cooops: what someone screams running into a factory where all the illegals are
Vatd: what happened to Tommy Lee Jones in the Batman movie when he fell into that vat of acidy stuff
haha i'm lame