it's been exactly one month since my last post. hmm... i don't even know what to update on.
i head to portland in a week, i am excited to get out of this city, the olympics are actually making me go crazy. everywhere i look is a reminder of the chaos that has taken over vancouver. it hurts my heart. i protested on friday [the night of the opening ceremonies]. it felt good to be out there advocating for what i believe in. housing, ending homelessness and ending poverty. when i think about it most of the people i know live on the verges of poverty, including myself. it's hard to pay rent for a lot of people plus food, transit fares, etc. it's hard to live in this city, it's beautiful but fuck is it pricey. i'm going to write out some things about the olympics and how i feel about them but not at this moment. i will be posting it on my blog i have had this blogspot account for ages now and have never used it. i'm going to be posting short essays, poetry, stories, photography, drawings, and sounds. it should be interesting. maybe keep track if you like? it's a space for my creative work on the internet, for now i guess.
i have been spending a lot of time with really good people. cooking amazing dinners, watching movies, going for epic walks around the city, etc. yesterday i went to the aquarium with some friends. i hadn't been there since i was nineteen, it was nice to go. it was a friends birthday so we celebrated there and then made lasagna for dinner.
the sun is setting it's a beautiful day, i better get outside and enjoy the last of this sunshine on february sixteenth.
i head to portland in a week, i am excited to get out of this city, the olympics are actually making me go crazy. everywhere i look is a reminder of the chaos that has taken over vancouver. it hurts my heart. i protested on friday [the night of the opening ceremonies]. it felt good to be out there advocating for what i believe in. housing, ending homelessness and ending poverty. when i think about it most of the people i know live on the verges of poverty, including myself. it's hard to pay rent for a lot of people plus food, transit fares, etc. it's hard to live in this city, it's beautiful but fuck is it pricey. i'm going to write out some things about the olympics and how i feel about them but not at this moment. i will be posting it on my blog i have had this blogspot account for ages now and have never used it. i'm going to be posting short essays, poetry, stories, photography, drawings, and sounds. it should be interesting. maybe keep track if you like? it's a space for my creative work on the internet, for now i guess.
i have been spending a lot of time with really good people. cooking amazing dinners, watching movies, going for epic walks around the city, etc. yesterday i went to the aquarium with some friends. i hadn't been there since i was nineteen, it was nice to go. it was a friends birthday so we celebrated there and then made lasagna for dinner.
the sun is setting it's a beautiful day, i better get outside and enjoy the last of this sunshine on february sixteenth.

Our plans for tonight changed to:
8 pm @ Charlie's in Yaletown
1265 Hamilton St.
The Moose/Granville area is slammed cause of the Olympics, so we're meeting at Meshell's new joint!
I hope you can come by after work!