this girl i know at work gave me a bunch of her old clothes. i feel adorable.
last week my friend sara and i went to the beach and made masks.
i have pretty much found a place to live in my old neighbourhood. i am going to miss this house and bedroom so much but i am so far away from everything that i am happy to go back to the lovely pleasant place i used to live.
i also get to move my work location! also a great thing. tonight my housemates are all going out and i am going to spend my night painting my friend a picture of a cardigan with money on it, work on my cupcake business cards and maybe take a bath.
simplicity. lovely.
this girl i know at work gave me a bunch of her old clothes. i feel adorable.

last week my friend sara and i went to the beach and made masks.

i have pretty much found a place to live in my old neighbourhood. i am going to miss this house and bedroom so much but i am so far away from everything that i am happy to go back to the lovely pleasant place i used to live.
i also get to move my work location! also a great thing. tonight my housemates are all going out and i am going to spend my night painting my friend a picture of a cardigan with money on it, work on my cupcake business cards and maybe take a bath.
simplicity. lovely.
Cute pics! You're adorable with or without new duds!

awwww cuteness abounts!