Erm, moved again. Same complex, bigger unit. $20 extra a month for 130 sq. feet more? Yes, please! It's much nicer here. Got a couch yesterday. Massive and cozy, just how I like it. The lady was nice, and it was a great price. If she still has the overstuffed armchair in six days, we're going to get that, too. I really hope she does. Oz, who we adopted at the end of April, is getting so big. He's only six and a half months old, but he's already the same height as Twilight and longer. His tail and ears are gigantic. His tail is a foot long, whereas Desprado's is nine inches, and Twilight's is eight. His ears are about an inch taller than both of their ears. I'm convinced he's part Savannah. In my 25 years around cats, I've never known a kitten to be such a fucking crazy maniac. He's like a regular kitten but hopped up on coke and frappuccinos. He's also super cuddly though and has the softest fur I've ever felt. Plus he takes what I thought "cute" meant, smashed that into a billion pieces and redefined it. And here he is for nobody's viewing pleasure:
Shortly after we got him
Helping me set up my fish tank:
Picking out his reward for helping:
He did this himself, I swear
Check out that tail
Again, I swear he did this himself
Helping me build the new tv stand
This just screams, "Oh crap, he's behind me, isn't he"
He'll sneak up when Desprado is sleeping and ninja-cuddle him
I haven't been able to get mr. snakebites out of my head since I saw him at the pet shop. It's rather fucked up, but I simply can't help myself. I'm recently obsessive. I'm not used to that. Myers and Briggs say I'm still an INTJ, but I don't feel much like myself. I've been working on this version 4.6 thing for a while. I don't know if I'll be able to make it to 5; I don't know if I want to. Can I go back? No, I know I can't and shouldn't even want to. I don't seem to find the same comfort in my intj best friend as I used to, but I think he's going off the deep end. I'm gonna search for Atonement on OnDemand. *Which they had, and I watched. Despite the several time line flaws and incorrect dates and such, it was fantastic. Definitely on the purchase list.*
Oh also, see my kittehs star in their very own LOLcats!
Shortly after we got him
Helping me set up my fish tank:
Picking out his reward for helping:
He did this himself, I swear
Check out that tail
Again, I swear he did this himself
Helping me build the new tv stand
This just screams, "Oh crap, he's behind me, isn't he"
He'll sneak up when Desprado is sleeping and ninja-cuddle him
I haven't been able to get mr. snakebites out of my head since I saw him at the pet shop. It's rather fucked up, but I simply can't help myself. I'm recently obsessive. I'm not used to that. Myers and Briggs say I'm still an INTJ, but I don't feel much like myself. I've been working on this version 4.6 thing for a while. I don't know if I'll be able to make it to 5; I don't know if I want to. Can I go back? No, I know I can't and shouldn't even want to. I don't seem to find the same comfort in my intj best friend as I used to, but I think he's going off the deep end. I'm gonna search for Atonement on OnDemand. *Which they had, and I watched. Despite the several time line flaws and incorrect dates and such, it was fantastic. Definitely on the purchase list.*
Oh also, see my kittehs star in their very own LOLcats!
cuz its the best hair color!