I've stayed up way past my bedtime for three nights in a row, and the last two nights involved lots of loud places and trying to talk to friends in them. I guess maybe I'm dehydrated or something? Because I feel like absolute garbage. My stomach hurts, I have a headache, I'm exhausted, and I keep feeling nauseated. I'm drinking water and emergen-c and electrolytes, and my stomach *still* feels icky, like I'm motion sick.
It's like I have a hangover, but I didn't drink or anything! Is this part of getting old? Because if it is, it can fuck right off.

Have you been sleeping too much? I know that sometimes I feel like that way when I sleep more than I should have because of my meds. Like there are days where I feel my brain just hits a brick wall, and I can't function. I wish I could give you a solution to it. If you hear a good one, please pass it along to me if you could!

You know that's really strange because I felt like that yesterday. I think it had something to do with being in a new place and there being a ton of anxiety involved. I was anxiety hungover. :/