Either something in our air is poking my allergies with a pollen-covered stick, or I’m coming down with some sort of stupid summer cold. Either way, I’m am SO OVER having a headache, sneezing my face off, and feeling like I’m going to suffocate when I’m trying to sleep.
The only thing that’s working at all is Benadryl, which is fine when I go to bed, but during the day makes me feel like I’m wrapped up in a warm, wet, woolen blanket made of honey that is not just wrapped around my entire body, but also has a smaller version of itself wrapped around my brain.
So my options are basically: feel like I’m experiencing the world through three inches of honey, or feel like I’m wearing a suit made of bees. Since Friday, I’ve chosen the honey, and while it’s preferable to the alternative, I’d very much like to be done with this bullshit, now.
In other news: I’m writing a lot, five days a week, and I’m actually getting lots of stuff done, just like a real Writer does. This is what I was looking for and needing for the last year, and boy am I glad I found my way back to this place where I am right now (minus the histamine or whatever) because I can honestly say that I genuinely feel happy and content pretty much constantly since I did.
While I wait for the other shoe to drop, I have some really neat things in my queue that aren’t just these writing projects. I’ve been scheming with my friend, Sean Bonner, about making some super-limited art project things that we’ll release in the soon.
Speaking of the soon: Legendary Entertainment, which is Geek & Sundry’s parent company, has delayed the release of Tabletop Season Four again. It’s entirely out of my hands, and I’m just as ready to release it as the audience is to watch it. As soon as I know what the release date is (more specifically than “Fall”) and as soon as I know that date isn’t going to change, I’ll let you know.
Speaking of awesome books about dogs, we are selling A Guide To Being A Dog by Seamus Wheaton again, but it’s super-limited to only 200 copies. If you want one, get it now.
Okay, Benadryl, let’s go wrap me up in honey because the bees are starting to wake up.