Brian M. Bendis is one of my favorite comic writers, and Remi Aubuchon is one of my favorite TV writers, so when they offered me a role on Powers, I said yes.
All the specific details are locked down with an NDA, but I start work soon, and I’ll hopefully be able to share some things from the set once I settle in, like who is directing my first episode (someone I’ve been dying to work with for decades!)
Here’s some of the press release:
Brian Michael Bendis, an executive producer on Powers and co-creator of the comics, says this new character will be revealed in upcoming issues. Wheaton’s character on the show is described as “exciting, mysterious and powerful.” […]
The series is available on the PlayStation Store for free streaming to all PlayStation Plus subscribers, and can also be purchased episodically. Season 2 is slated for a 2016 premiere.
I’m still putting a lot of time and energy into writing, because the things I pointed out in my reboot post haven’t changed, but I love Powers, and I love the people involved, so I’m excited to be invited to play with them, and bring this character to life.