A fellow SG member who I will leave anonymous asks,
Second Season of Wil Wheaton Project. Yes or No? I hope SyFy channel has the foresight to keep it going.
So for those of you who don't know, earlier this summer, I did 12 episodes of a silly comedy show on Syfy called The Wil Wheaton Project. It was basically The Soup for people like me who enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, as well as jokes about those things. If you'd like to see a bunch of clips from the show, they're right here on my YouTube thing.
We're officially on hiatus right now, and we don't know if the network will order more episodes. I know that they liked us in a creative sense, but the ratings weren't very good (ratings are generally not very good in summer), but the people who did watch us really liked us. So I won't know for a few more weeks, but until then, I'm on hiatus, which means I get to write more, play more games, and prep for season three of Tabletop, which goes into production in October.