Holy crap. Not to be a complete wiener or anything, but Ithe first episode of TNG with the Traveller was just on Spike. . .and that sweater you wear is the most god awful thing I have ever seen. You could probably sue Paramount for making you wear that.
I dunno... it may just be that your brain just craves the complete relaxation of something dumb like that game show as opposed to constantly figuring odds & strategies in poker.
I also could be completely full of shit, seeing as I haven't even turned on my TV in years. I subsist solely on old TV series on DVD, so I really am not up on this "new-fangled programming"...
I also could be completely full of shit, seeing as I haven't even turned on my TV in years. I subsist solely on old TV series on DVD, so I really am not up on this "new-fangled programming"...