Best. Opening. EVAR.
I loved Jon Stewart, even if most of the audience didn't until halfway through. This crowd takes itself very seriously, and they tend to sit on their hands for the new guy. Lighten up, jerks! It's a party!
I can't comment on the winners, because I didn't see many of the films. I don't know if anyone got robbed, or if there were any Marissa Tomei moments. As far as I can tell, the winners deserved it, but I also know that it's really about being nominated.
I fucking hated it that they kept cutting winners short when they tried to give speeches, so they could do yet another stupid montage about how great movies are. Yeah, we know movies are great. If we didn't think movies were great, we wouldn't be watching. Most of these people get this chance once in their lives; give them the respect they've earned and more than 40 seconds to enjoy and share it, jerks. (That's a different group of jerks than the jerks I was referring to in my first paragraph. You know who you are . . . jerks.)
I am so glad that they didn't go out into the theatre like they did last year.
The anti-DVD crap was really stupid. I'll be sure to watch movies in theatres when people shut the hell up in them, and it doesn't cost me twenty-five bucks before I'm even in my seat. And don't even get me started on how shitty most movies are, man.
one of my fondest memories with my (now deceased) father was going to a star trek convention with him. they were auctioning off an autographed picture of you and he tried to win it for me but couldn't. sometimes when i see your journal it makes me think of that and smile.
so, thanks. even though you didn't really have too much to do with it