Sup dudes.
Apologies for the last whiney blog, I kinda let things build up and my head assploded.
I've cheered up a bit this week.
Sorted things with my Mum, so things have calmed down at home.
Except for my little sister stealing from me again and having to carry a key to my door around with me all the time, but that's nothing new.
I've been ignoring her since Monday and I don't think she's realised yet.
I've also forced myself to remember that I can't please everyone, and ultimately need to do what's right for me.
During this wave of thought, I made a decision about SG.
I joined the site because I wanted to model, and I got a big confidence boost from the positive attention.
When I joined, I had pretty low self esteem and since then, that has changed.
I feel the reasons I decided to get my kit off in the first place aren't there anymore, and to be honest, I think it's time to call it a day.
Though shooting sets is always a lot of fun, I'm just not compelled to do it anymore.
On top of that, I have a 14 year old brother that frequents the interwebs and I would one day like to teach.
I think that the responsible thing to do right now would be to quit being a hopeful, and stick around as a regular member instead.
I have made so many great friends on here and the people are the reason I have spent so much time here in recent months.
I have removed my hopeful status and I will be taking 'Smoothie' down after the 90 days in MR are up (which is sometime next month).
So feel free to have another peek before it goes if that's what your heart desires.
I want to thank Snowy for lending me her awesome photography skills and for the silly amount of fun we had shooting it ^_^
So yeah... That's that.
Apart from being completely skint, I'm feeling good today.
I figured my MJ refund would come through quicker than this, so I stupidly spent 215 on a new bass.
He's called Jack.
Meet Jack and Emily.
Oh, and here's something I'm very proud of...
I put a fucking chest of drawers together all by myself today
Seriously badass, right?!
Tomorrow I'll be putting a desk together.
Apologies for the last whiney blog, I kinda let things build up and my head assploded.

I've cheered up a bit this week.
Sorted things with my Mum, so things have calmed down at home.
Except for my little sister stealing from me again and having to carry a key to my door around with me all the time, but that's nothing new.
I've been ignoring her since Monday and I don't think she's realised yet.
I've also forced myself to remember that I can't please everyone, and ultimately need to do what's right for me.
During this wave of thought, I made a decision about SG.
I joined the site because I wanted to model, and I got a big confidence boost from the positive attention.
When I joined, I had pretty low self esteem and since then, that has changed.
I feel the reasons I decided to get my kit off in the first place aren't there anymore, and to be honest, I think it's time to call it a day.
Though shooting sets is always a lot of fun, I'm just not compelled to do it anymore.
On top of that, I have a 14 year old brother that frequents the interwebs and I would one day like to teach.
I think that the responsible thing to do right now would be to quit being a hopeful, and stick around as a regular member instead.
I have made so many great friends on here and the people are the reason I have spent so much time here in recent months.
I have removed my hopeful status and I will be taking 'Smoothie' down after the 90 days in MR are up (which is sometime next month).
So feel free to have another peek before it goes if that's what your heart desires.
I want to thank Snowy for lending me her awesome photography skills and for the silly amount of fun we had shooting it ^_^
So yeah... That's that.
Apart from being completely skint, I'm feeling good today.
I figured my MJ refund would come through quicker than this, so I stupidly spent 215 on a new bass.
He's called Jack.
Meet Jack and Emily.

Oh, and here's something I'm very proud of...
I put a fucking chest of drawers together all by myself today

Seriously badass, right?!

Tomorrow I'll be putting a desk together.

that batman top is stunning.

yay for wil