How's everybody doing?
I've been a bit rubbish keeping up with people lately, so let me know what's going on with you!

I haven't really been upto much lately, just working and getting stoned, the usual.
Massive house party at mine on Saturday for my mum's 40th.
S'gonna be ossum

I've been a bit wobbly recently, nothing major but I've had a few moments this past week.
I think I just miss being with someone, it gets a bit lonely and depressing sometimes.
Only if you let it get to you, I guess.
I won't let it get to me.
I have way too much weed to smoke
What else ws I gonna say?
Oh yeah.
You guys thought my shitty drawing was actually alright, so I thought I'd post some of my favourite arty bits and pieces that I've done over the last couple years.
A scene from The Killing Joke I drew out in pencil for a tattoo idea that didn't work out.
Pumpkin carvings:
(The Corpse Bride, the headless horseman, Heath Ledger as The Joker)
Possibly the best painting I've ever done, shame it's me and my ex.
This painting makes me feel a bit shitty, so I keep it hidden away.
That's about all I can find on my computer, maybe I'll show you some more another time.
That is all.
Willy out.
Haha, ditto, there should be a club for this!