Fuck it.
Just fuck it.
Last blog was bullshit.
I have discovered these two things the last couple of days:


I have also discovered that if I stopped being so fucking nice to everyone, people wouldn't walk all over me.
So fuck you all.
From now on, I'm a tough guy.
Just fuck it.
Last blog was bullshit.
I have discovered these two things the last couple of days:

I have also discovered that if I stopped being so fucking nice to everyone, people wouldn't walk all over me.
So fuck you all.
From now on, I'm a tough guy.
Ok, i'm sometimes shit but that's human nature. Nobody is perfect. Don't give up on us. I completely missed the last blog, but reading back over it you make a massive amount of sense.
Let the world be about you, read everything, take everything in and enjoy the world around you. My best friend always tells me i'm too cynical, I dislike most people and never trust them until they give me reason to. That way I don't get hurt. She's the opposite and i'd say she's too trusting. It's good to find a happy medium if you can. I can't, but I'm sure there is one. You sound like my friend, she's extremely trusting of people and they walk all over her. It really irritates me but that's the way people will be. If you let them, they will walk all over you.
So don't let them, but don't become totally cynical and hard-faced, trust me, it becomes extremely hard to make friends and to let people in who can help cheer you up when you're down. You're a nice girl, don't let the world make you bitter. It's not all bad xx
And to think I only saw it because I came to compliment your new profile pic