A bit mental, and I may have over done it juuuuust a teeny bit, but I had a fabulous time with some of my favouritest people in the whole wide world

I don't think I have ever felt so rough waking up though.
Most of you have seen me in this state, but for those that haven't, I thought I'd show you hungover-and-still-slightly-high Willy...
No make-up, no edits, no sleep.
You should be.
The few days after New Years Eve weren't so great.
I'm not 100% sure why, but I was an emotional wreck.
Maybe I was just on an epic comedown, but I spent (up until yesterday) hiding away in the house on my own, miserable, alone and hurting.
I still don't know what happened to put me in that state, but I am glad to say that I've snapped myself out of it.
I don't have many things to be sad about.
In fact, life is pretty good for once.
I have a secure job, I'm studying hard and planning to make something of myself, I have an incredible family and amazing friends, with excitement round every corner.
I think I just need to be more appreciative of what I've got, and stop worrying about what might be going wrong in my life.
This year, my aim is to evolve my way of thinking to become more laid-back.
Worry less.
Enjoy more.
And let whatever happens, happen.
Oh, and buy more superhero clothes
P.S. Edited to say: I'm taking Princess Peach down, so get it while you can if you want it. x
you're pretty cute without makeup
Or don't, it's all good