Hello boys and girls 
Not really quite sure what to write today but I'll have a go since it's been a little while since I blogged.
Remember how I was saying I'm giving up on Alex, moving on and all that jazz?
Isn't it funny as soon as I mentioned that I'm refusing to chase him anymore, he freaks out, starts asking a whole load of questions and gets all clingy?
Still, it's nice to finally feel in control of the situation.
He had a go at me the other day for chatting to his mate Gavin for oh, I dunno, ten minutes when I was round the other day. Apparently that means that there's something going on between us, obivously. So I got yelled at and accused of only ever coming round because I just want to see his friends and don't even like him anymore.
Two words:
So anyway, even though he's still pissing me off, it's actually all good. I'm coping better than I was, and I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it all dies down.
I had cuddles and sexy times with a nice boy last night
He calls me pretty and makes me smile
It's nice *blush*
In other news, I'm due to start tutoring A Level maths in the next few weeks, and I'm bricking it! I've also got that Disney audition coming up which I'm also freaking out about!!!! Other exciting news, hmmm let me see... My friend Hannah and I are maybe starting a band... I haven't sung in front of anyone in about 2 or 3 years because I am terribly shy and totally lost my confidence, but I relaly want to get back into performing. I'm excited
Oh yeah, this is the weird colour my hair is at the moment... I completely killed it with bleach and I may have to cut it all off
Blah. But yeah. PIGTAILS FTW!!

I also just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that's been commenting my photos and making me smile with your sweet compliments
I wuv you all.

P.S. Expect a full set from me some time in the next month or so hopefully
I almost forgot!
Here's a couple of girls I would really love to see go pink.
These sets are beautiful and really deserve a look

Not really quite sure what to write today but I'll have a go since it's been a little while since I blogged.
Remember how I was saying I'm giving up on Alex, moving on and all that jazz?
Isn't it funny as soon as I mentioned that I'm refusing to chase him anymore, he freaks out, starts asking a whole load of questions and gets all clingy?
Still, it's nice to finally feel in control of the situation.
He had a go at me the other day for chatting to his mate Gavin for oh, I dunno, ten minutes when I was round the other day. Apparently that means that there's something going on between us, obivously. So I got yelled at and accused of only ever coming round because I just want to see his friends and don't even like him anymore.
Two words:
So anyway, even though he's still pissing me off, it's actually all good. I'm coping better than I was, and I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it all dies down.
I had cuddles and sexy times with a nice boy last night

In other news, I'm due to start tutoring A Level maths in the next few weeks, and I'm bricking it! I've also got that Disney audition coming up which I'm also freaking out about!!!! Other exciting news, hmmm let me see... My friend Hannah and I are maybe starting a band... I haven't sung in front of anyone in about 2 or 3 years because I am terribly shy and totally lost my confidence, but I relaly want to get back into performing. I'm excited

Oh yeah, this is the weird colour my hair is at the moment... I completely killed it with bleach and I may have to cut it all off

I also just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that's been commenting my photos and making me smile with your sweet compliments

I wuv you all.

P.S. Expect a full set from me some time in the next month or so hopefully

I almost forgot!
Here's a couple of girls I would really love to see go pink.
These sets are beautiful and really deserve a look

your cute!