I'm so sick of arguing.
Today he pretty much said that I had to pick SG, or him.
I know he's not comfortable with me shooting my first set, but he needs to get over it.
Surely if he cared enough about my happiness he would support me in it?
Am I just being selfish, guys?
Am I am terrible girlfriend?
I just need to make a life for myself outside of the relationship, I need to grow as a person, I need to take risks and challenges in order to discover who I really am, something that's really important right now in my life.
And it doesn't make sense to me to let someone else tell me what I can and can't do.
So I stood my ground, told him he couldn't change my mind, and spend pretty much all crying my eyes out at work and arguing over MSN.
I just want things to work out.
Here's a picture of me a few days ago being vaguely happy.

I'm so sick of arguing.
Today he pretty much said that I had to pick SG, or him.
I know he's not comfortable with me shooting my first set, but he needs to get over it.
Surely if he cared enough about my happiness he would support me in it?
Am I just being selfish, guys?
Am I am terrible girlfriend?
I just need to make a life for myself outside of the relationship, I need to grow as a person, I need to take risks and challenges in order to discover who I really am, something that's really important right now in my life.
And it doesn't make sense to me to let someone else tell me what I can and can't do.
So I stood my ground, told him he couldn't change my mind, and spend pretty much all crying my eyes out at work and arguing over MSN.
I just want things to work out.
Here's a picture of me a few days ago being vaguely happy.

If it's important to you to do this, he should understand that.
It's not about him, it's about you. He's trying to control your actions, and that's not his place in life, and he doesn't have the right to do it.
I get why someone would be bothered by the concept of their significant other doing nude modeling (not me. I wouldn't care who got to see it. I'd get to have it in real life), but the fact is, it's not like you're proposing doing porn. It's just pictures of you as nature intended. Not really a big deal, in my opinion.
I just think he's trying too hard to run your life, and from what you've written, he's not doing much to earn his place at your side.
And you know what? You're too young to be tied down to someone like that. Walk away and have some fun (which you don't appear to be having much of now). You sound like you're settling for him because of the past. Move on, and if you're as important to him as he appears to be to you, he'll come crawling back regardless of your actions. If he doesn't, then he's not worth your time. Find a guy who appreciates you more. You're pretty, and you seem very sweet, so find someone who appreciates that.