wow. I have basically ignored SG for a while, now. I'm starting to think I dont need it at all these days. but then again i like to check up on my "buddies" and such. I definately dont like how every time i log on, things are different. makes it very confusing for me. I'm a simple boy so the sporatic changes really kinda irritate me. I have learned several interesting things about the girlfriend that would probably be frowned upon to write about, but I think this type of enviroment would be most understanding of the situation and i doubt it would ever get back to meri. she never told me not to tell anyone, and sometimes advice with these things is a good idea. so i feel justified. turns out im the first boyfriend she has had since being raped at her old school. for serious. and afterwards she turned to cutting herself. i had noticed the various scratches on her belly, but took them for nothing more than scratches - not scars. she has them all down her leg too. she is amazed that i'm not disgusted with them. strangely enough i find them attactive. I dont know what that says about me - but i havent told her that. either way. i love her. strangest thing, really - love. she might be getting her first tattoo tomorrow. an elephant. it seems to mean a lot to her - something about an elephant never forgetting. she didnt like the design i drew for her - even though I did exactly what she wanted and added some pretty little doves:
i guess its a good idea not to have a lover leave that sort of permenant mark on a person incase things dont work out. street ride tonite if I can finish my witchcraft paper after dinner. I have an enviromental geology final I should be studying for. I guess I'll get to that now. more on everything later.
i guess its a good idea not to have a lover leave that sort of permenant mark on a person incase things dont work out. street ride tonite if I can finish my witchcraft paper after dinner. I have an enviromental geology final I should be studying for. I guess I'll get to that now. more on everything later.
cute doves but weird representational elephant haha.