I have no idea why I even do these things anymore. Nobody comments. Not that theres ever anything terribly exciting to comment about. Oh well. Saturday already. Nothing exciting durring the week so much. Just went through the motions. I saw 2 extra credit movies. "Super Volcano" for geology, and "Three Sovereigns for Sarah" for my witchcraft class. Finally got a legit date from my retarded craigslist post. Short girl. very pale with curly raven black hair. very cute. We went to the mall to see Borat for the 4:30, but all tickets were sold out until 9:50 - so we got them and hung out. I bought a chess, checkers, chinese checkers board at target. and some green christmas lights to decorate my room. Green is her favorite color. I like green in a room to have a calming effect. My room should be yellow to counter the level of slacking I do. Anyhoo, so we had tickets and were on our way back, when Jon calls, saying he needs a jump for his $50,000 amazing show car Jetta. Pretty funny when my 1984 shitbox jetta came to the rescue. Then we went driving around so he could charge his battery. Went up 116 for a ways, and later did the shutesbury shoot. Meri seemed to be both terrified, and had a good time. Jon couldnt keep up with me on the shoot. After that we got dinner. After dinner I tired to teach her how to drive stick. It almost went. She either over revved without being engaged or the drivetrain slammed into motion. I dont think I'll do anymore teaching with project jetta. We rode back to my dorm with her on the handlebars of my bike and it was pretty awesome. We were really cruising at a dangerous rate. With no brakes. Watched some tube, then went to see borat. It was pretty good. Afterwards she came back to my place and spent the night - since I didnt want to walk her back. Joe is coming today. We're stealing traffic cones for the autocorss club, and he's bringing my slicks for the jetta. I'm very excited.
Jon's car has no
Jon's car has no
sounds like an awesome date! I have never hit it off with anyone so quickly!
i swear it was not my intention! I get propositioned with marriage at least once a month.. so i dunno...