Feels like I havent done anything on SG in forever. I guess the initial excitement has dulled down a bit. Or maybe I'm just too busy with my new racecar. Maybe I cant concentrate on writing this because my lazy fuckin suitemates blast TV all the time and I cant hear myself think over the "most interesting truck stops." What the fuck. choke you lazy fucks. get up. go do something. Anyhoo my weekend was spent trying to get the jetta legal and we swapped the cat after much frustration with rust on the downpipe. Got pulled over my first night at school. I'm fighting the ticket. need to find a stamp, but altonbrownfan says she has one for me. awesome. Astra wants to get dinner. i bet she wants to hang out afterwards too. maybe. I'm takin mel, from portuguese class, out for dinner next week. pretty excited about that. we've always been good friends and im a pro dater. Job interview this friday. friday the 13th. awesome. heres a picture.