I'm feeling very excited. It's friday and now i guess I'm cool enough to have friends. awesome. I have 2 friends so far, Coolpants (who lives in my area and snowboards, aparently) and Maybe (a girl so scandalous it's simply wonderful conversing with her). We had a brief chat on AIM and that was quaint. I sent a message to Coolpants and have yet to hear from her. I did however get a reply from Sinergy my faaaaaaaavorite SG. and a comment. look at that. anyhoo. today went pretty well. I managed to do my portugese homework for once and we had a sub in geo. he seemed nice. portuguese class went surprisingly well and I think some of this stuff is catching. I probably failed the quiz, but I understood everything the teacher said for once. He is a wikkid babe. I need to get a picture of him. I had a job interview last night that seemed to go pretty well, but I wont know for sure till next week. after lunchish my friend Joe and I went to buy some concrete. We make dirt jumps all over campus - but the management likes to take them down. We figured we'd take it up a notch and see what they do if we use concrete instead. should be interesting. He is going home this weekend tho, and I cant do it without a photographer, otherwise how would I show you guys? So now I have a few hundred pound bags of concrete in my dorm under a towel till next week. Speaking of BMX I also needed a spindle bolt for my bike - but the hardware store didnt have a fine enough thread. I called up Dan's Comp and ordered two of em. Then the operater of the fone asks, "would you like anything else?" so I splurged and bought a set of S&M dive bars:
what should have been a few dollar purchase quickly added up to a bit under sixty bucks. But thats almost justified since the bars I have now are kinda warped and old. and S&M makes sick parts, and I needed lower bars then what I have now anyway. right. justified. I broke my rachet using it like a hammer. what the fuck. it's one of the five things I need to live, and I broke it. Really sucks cause i need to get my rig together for this weekend - I'm catching up with one of my best friends in the whole world after his stint in england. He actually introduced me to SG a long time ago. perhaps you know him:
I am probably most excited of all to see him. Havent heard anything since he left for england and he's bringin a case of belgiums finest, so I cant wait to hear all about his adventures, and what his ever-changing life plans are now. I really hope he becomes a tattoo artist some day because I'd love to have something done by him. anyhoo, there will undoubtably be a few drunk bike riders ripping up the sidewalks saturday night - that much I know for sure. this was a long fuckin post, jeez.
what should have been a few dollar purchase quickly added up to a bit under sixty bucks. But thats almost justified since the bars I have now are kinda warped and old. and S&M makes sick parts, and I needed lower bars then what I have now anyway. right. justified. I broke my rachet using it like a hammer. what the fuck. it's one of the five things I need to live, and I broke it. Really sucks cause i need to get my rig together for this weekend - I'm catching up with one of my best friends in the whole world after his stint in england. He actually introduced me to SG a long time ago. perhaps you know him:
I am probably most excited of all to see him. Havent heard anything since he left for england and he's bringin a case of belgiums finest, so I cant wait to hear all about his adventures, and what his ever-changing life plans are now. I really hope he becomes a tattoo artist some day because I'd love to have something done by him. anyhoo, there will undoubtably be a few drunk bike riders ripping up the sidewalks saturday night - that much I know for sure. this was a long fuckin post, jeez.
was at UMASS last week. Not too much around that place.... Good burritos though.