day three. still no friends. I'm beginning to appreciate the idea of friendship after a year or so of forgetting what it meant with the retardation that is myspace. today. I woke up and had my typical breakfast and played hackysack for a few with my friend sam. Then i flipped though my portuguese workbook a little bit before realizing I wasnt ever going to do it. Got a test back in geology. 87. meh. I guess we can fix our mistakes to redeem a few points so I'll probably do that. Went to portuguese class today. speaking of portuguese, I joined the group "brazilians" with hopes of meeting a nice portuguese speaking girl to be a penpal and help me practice the language. I cant make friends with english so maybe portuguese will work. afternoon was loafish. had eel for dinner. brought astra BMXing and she finally learned the bunnyhop, and I was awful excited. then we came back to my dorm and watched BMX videos. I wanna make another jump on campus.
welcome to the cool kids club.