Have you ever heard of that saying "It pays to be nice" cough cough... BULL SHIT! Yea so this chick I haven't seen or heard from in like over ten years and I didn't really know her then, she was just one of my friends fuck buddies at the time. Anyways she FB me and said she was going through a lot of shit and that she just needed someone to talk too, me being an idiot was like sure! Its really amazing what ten years can do to some people but she is now a recovering addict which I didn't mind because everyone fucks up, no one is perfect and everyone deserves a chance or that's how i feel. But yea she was addicted to pills and alcohol and has a 9 month old baby that was taken from her. Not really sure how but something like, because her and her ex got in a altercation and she said he was actually beating her and when the cops showed up he said that she attacked him. She said he hit himself before the cops got there. But the cops ended up arresting her and put her in jail and she said that this guys family is wealthy and knows most of the cops there was why. I don't trust cops myself so idk. I know when my father was a cop he beat my mother with a night stick in front of two other cops in his police force and they didn't do shit or even let my mom press charges on him. So yea that could sound believable to me, who knows! But anyways back to the story, turns out girl has gone completely bat shit crazy. I told her before she came to hangout that i don't mind being her friend just don't bring any of the crazy drama to me! First time she came over went okay I guess but the second time not so well. She comes over just yapping my ears off and she is a girl that has to have your full attention. Plus she is a lil too opinionated about how people look and dress which really shouldn't make a shit imo. Well Trueblood came on and I already made plans to watch that but I said she could come over anyways. Well she gets aggravated because im watching the show instead of paying her attention so she goes outside. 20 min later she is still outside then I hear someone yelling so I go outside and she is talking to her ex on the phone and is yelling at the top of her lungs my neighbor is peeking out her window and shit probably thinking were arguing. So after she gets off the phone I asked her to leave she starts crying and leaves. I feel like shit because I did that to her but fuck I was embarrassed and I asked her not to bring her shit here. Well I text her saying im sorry for being this way but that shit aint cool plus I dealt with that kind of shit growing up and I cant deal with that kind of shit anymore. Well she ends up laying a huge guilt trip on me about it and now many other things and she is always calling me now. On the phone with her today and she tells her mom that she hates her and wishes she would die! Who the fuck says that to there parents! I dont know if this shits making any since anymore, Im sure im just ranting now. But she use to be a really attractive girl and always went off her looks to get what she wanted and now that she doesn't have that anymore she is a wreck and its really sad. Am I being an asshole here or.... idk. I'm sure I left some things out but Im already drained from reliving it in this post lol.... 

and dont sleep with her you dirty slut! hahaha just kidding will