i am back for an unspecified amount of time. i'm not sure why i went anonymous in the first place...i have a strange cyclic tendency with internet sites. i love them, i hate them, i delete my profile, i come back for more. i'm really not this bipolar in person. or maybe i am.
what's new...recently i went with my friends (all guys) to a...
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what's new...recently i went with my friends (all guys) to a...
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gotta love a good scrap or two. congrats on the letter

- deleted -
where's a good place for a well-concealed tattoo?
someone else's body.
an update on the tatoo?
just got back from a trip to sacramento to meet my state senators & assembly(wo)men. i'll try not to get into the political side of the trip as i'd probably bore you all to death. it was interesting -- fully aggravating yet enlightening at the same time.
so, the boyfriend is still here. i have tried several times to kick him out, always to no...
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so, the boyfriend is still here. i have tried several times to kick him out, always to no...
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re: just a side note: single women are healthier and happier than their married counterparts, and the converse is true for men.
what makes you say this? it hits close to home for me at the moment, since I'm without my gf for a week and surprisingly lonely. I always thought I was happier when single, but perhaps you're right. Or maybe I just don't like having the trappings of single-ness without the freedom or opportunity to exploit it... in either case, I hope you and your bf are mostly happy, and that you realize how dorky and/or mean most guys are in real life. Keep that in mind when you think about how fun it would be to start dating again. That said, I've still got five days of bachelorhood, so come on over!
what makes you say this? it hits close to home for me at the moment, since I'm without my gf for a week and surprisingly lonely. I always thought I was happier when single, but perhaps you're right. Or maybe I just don't like having the trappings of single-ness without the freedom or opportunity to exploit it... in either case, I hope you and your bf are mostly happy, and that you realize how dorky and/or mean most guys are in real life. Keep that in mind when you think about how fun it would be to start dating again. That said, I've still got five days of bachelorhood, so come on over!
no, gf doesn't return until sunday. So I have two more nights of wacky zany guy time I guess.
As for Kerry, if I had to boil it down to the defining traits of his jackassery, it'd be that he's spineless and unimaginative. It would have been so easy to take the offensive early in the campaign, but he let the iniative pass by and fought a ridiculous rear guard action the whole time. The problem was that most of the accusations the GOP hit him with, namely him being a flip-flopper and east coast snob... well they were true. He was a vulnerable candidate from the beginning based on his legislative history and his geographic origins. The only way he was going to win was by being very confrontational, very (by american standards) policy-oriented, and above all very decisive. He dropped the ball on every count. If he had said from day one: 'Yes, fellow citizens, I voted for the Iraq war, along with nearly every single democrat out there, but I was wrong, and I'll tell you why...' wow, well if he'd said that he would have avoided the worst of the GOP assault, and focused at least some media attention on the merits of the war. Instead, his stance on the war was essentially: 'ooh, bad war. no, good war. um, let's get some foreign reinforcements over there.' God, what a jackass. I could get into this a lot more, but I've got to get back to work.
As for Kerry, if I had to boil it down to the defining traits of his jackassery, it'd be that he's spineless and unimaginative. It would have been so easy to take the offensive early in the campaign, but he let the iniative pass by and fought a ridiculous rear guard action the whole time. The problem was that most of the accusations the GOP hit him with, namely him being a flip-flopper and east coast snob... well they were true. He was a vulnerable candidate from the beginning based on his legislative history and his geographic origins. The only way he was going to win was by being very confrontational, very (by american standards) policy-oriented, and above all very decisive. He dropped the ball on every count. If he had said from day one: 'Yes, fellow citizens, I voted for the Iraq war, along with nearly every single democrat out there, but I was wrong, and I'll tell you why...' wow, well if he'd said that he would have avoided the worst of the GOP assault, and focused at least some media attention on the merits of the war. Instead, his stance on the war was essentially: 'ooh, bad war. no, good war. um, let's get some foreign reinforcements over there.' God, what a jackass. I could get into this a lot more, but I've got to get back to work.
i just saw one of the funniest things i've seen in my life.
i just came upon a picture of a member on here who has a tattoo of the name of god in Hebrew...
except it's mispelled. horribly.
i'm not even talking about something that would be phonetically correct. and i'm not talking about the fact that jews aren't *technically* supposed to pronounce the...
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i just came upon a picture of a member on here who has a tattoo of the name of god in Hebrew...
except it's mispelled. horribly.
i'm not even talking about something that would be phonetically correct. and i'm not talking about the fact that jews aren't *technically* supposed to pronounce the...
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People are fucking idiots. My roommate got some chinese symble on his arm. I told him it probably meens fag and he'll never know. Why get someting tattooed on your body in a language you can't read?
Ps sorry for the spelling I'm not quite awake yet.
Ps sorry for the spelling I'm not quite awake yet.

I don't want to give this guy too much credit, but that would be very inolved and subtley sacreligious kind of tatoo if on the right kind of person. I mean, I love blasphemy in all its guises, and so if I were Jewish, I'd definitely get a tatoo of the Hebrew for 'Gawwwd soooks deess nutttz.' That would undoubtedly be a challenge for the translator, but so what, I'd tip welll.
(I'm drinking... sorry for the spelling.)
PS I appreciate you warnings on the mushroom front... I know that some people dont' enjohy them. but I've had wonderful times, so I'll continue to try until it all blows up and I come running to you saying you were right... which will happen soon, I'm sure.
until then, take care of yourself and have fun!
(I'm drinking... sorry for the spelling.)
PS I appreciate you warnings on the mushroom front... I know that some people dont' enjohy them. but I've had wonderful times, so I'll continue to try until it all blows up and I come running to you saying you were right... which will happen soon, I'm sure.
until then, take care of yourself and have fun!
finals are done. thanks for the well wishes, everyone.
tonight i leave on a red eye to a political conference where i'll meet barack obama and howard dean (again) as well as other assorted characters. i'm not a dean fan, although i naively used to be before i knew about his stance on the death penalty, his drastic cuts to education in vermont, his support...
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tonight i leave on a red eye to a political conference where i'll meet barack obama and howard dean (again) as well as other assorted characters. i'm not a dean fan, although i naively used to be before i knew about his stance on the death penalty, his drastic cuts to education in vermont, his support...
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I ve hanged around a bit with some "native english speakers", that would explain some things, thx by the way, always appreciate. Your plans for the future look pretty "active", maybe because of your "several decade spanning education"... looking to the musicians and band you ve named in your profile, i guess some good choices would then be:
Erik Truffaz (trompetist / electro Jazz) really really good, contrabass/drummer are mofos. i would say album "Mantis".
Maybe Niels Petter Molvaer (nightmare to spell), hard to find - album Khmer -. For somethin more "peachy", bah, try Mr Bungle. Let me know if you found some of these and if you feel ok with it.
Paris is a pretty nice city, thing that you easily forget walking by the streets since a few - lot of- years. Guess that s the same for all cities. Good to remind. +. Good trip.
Erik Truffaz (trompetist / electro Jazz) really really good, contrabass/drummer are mofos. i would say album "Mantis".
Maybe Niels Petter Molvaer (nightmare to spell), hard to find - album Khmer -. For somethin more "peachy", bah, try Mr Bungle. Let me know if you found some of these and if you feel ok with it.
Paris is a pretty nice city, thing that you easily forget walking by the streets since a few - lot of- years. Guess that s the same for all cities. Good to remind. +. Good trip.
congrats on the finals... hope you celebrated a bit before you took off. It's true what you say about dean; I was never a fan of his as a candidate, but I have to say I'm hopeful about his chairmanship. If nothing else, the guy has ambition and a willingness to do battle in non-traditional ways and locations. Some of the candidates he's taken under his wing have been far superior to him. Have fun! Obama in '08!
today i have the remaining 2 parts of my final.
i'm told that lorenz, of lorenz attractor fame, before discovering said attractor and changing mathematic's entire approach to chaotic phenomenon, had been an otherwise unillustrious character known more for his experimentation with 48 hour work days and adjusted sleep schedules than his scientific experimentation. in the past week i have managed to really screw up...
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i'm told that lorenz, of lorenz attractor fame, before discovering said attractor and changing mathematic's entire approach to chaotic phenomenon, had been an otherwise unillustrious character known more for his experimentation with 48 hour work days and adjusted sleep schedules than his scientific experimentation. in the past week i have managed to really screw up...
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I tried the sleep deprivation thing before at test once... didn't work out so well for me. Hope it turns out different for you.
If you're looking for new music, I'd suggest Jonny Lang. He's kind of a blues-rock guitarist and vocalist (at least his 1st two CD's were... he kinda changed his sound up for the third one).

If you're looking for new music, I'd suggest Jonny Lang. He's kind of a blues-rock guitarist and vocalist (at least his 1st two CD's were... he kinda changed his sound up for the third one).
i think i'm in need of some new music...badly...
i'm taking recommendations. but please, if i can make one request, no shitty punk or emocrap.
i'm taking recommendations. but please, if i can make one request, no shitty punk or emocrap.

You should listen to Didley Squat if you haven't already. http://www.didleysquatmusic.com
I love putting things off for sucidegirls. Berkeley's cool right now. Where are you at?
I love putting things off for sucidegirls. Berkeley's cool right now. Where are you at?
if you find frames you like, you can get pretty cheap lenses- i mean, they have the fancy, non scratchable, unbreakable, wash your dishes and walk your dog kind, but i got regular old plastic lenses in my second pair for just $59, and i can see just as well as i can with my more expensive lenses.
fuck fucking finals up the fucking anal canal, past the rectum, up the sigmoid colon, all the way around the descending, transverse, and ascending parts of the colon, past the ileocecal junction and the appendix, through the ileum, jejunum, duodenum, through the pyloric canal/body/fundus of the stomach [waving to the angular incisure as we go], past both the lower esophageal and upper esophageal sphincters and...
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i take it your a med student.
wrong way down a one way, yo.

hello all.
Hello, hello!
What was your thesis on?
What was your thesis on?
Hi, you commented in my journal so now I shall comment in yours. So.. welcome to SG!