I am okay .... I am always okay .... one of the beauties of being emotionally stunted is that one is always okay .... I see it as a benefit .... more self control, less illogical responses .... better adaptation .... hit me with your fucking car and I will be okay .... been there, giggled then .... always okay ....

my father died of...
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jaaaaaason frown let's go out. poor critter, I have been not very happy as of late either. that is a lot for you to deal with. can't imagine going through that loss. you have my number now, I usually go out for drinks after i get outta work. let me know smile
anyone in allston massachusetts out there?

I need 2 roommates .... the place is pretty kickass .... 2 floor condo with 3 bedrooms, lots of space, pool table, decent kitchen, backyard, etc ....

and I rock as a roommate .... as long as you clean your messes .... I am too laid back to care otherwise!

I just want 2 people that are social, fun...
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workin today at 6!! and then leaving for a wedding in kansas city for the weekend, come visit!
Go Red Sox!! smile
anyone in allston massachusetts out there?

I need 2 roommates .... the place is pretty kickass .... 2 floor condo with 3 bedrooms, lots of space, pool table, decent kitchen, backyard, etc ....

and I rock as a roommate .... as long as you clean your messes .... I am too laid back to care otherwise!

I just want 2 people that are social, fun and reliable with bills .... there has gotta be some fun people in the area needing a place ....