im really bored so i decided to up date my journal. thanks to everyone for all of the comments. it will probally be awhile untill i do another set. i am trying to come up with ideas and themes. i also am thinking about finding someone to take the pics for me. running back and forth to set the camera timer sucks on so many levels. braveliltoaster sent me a im requesting a kiss under-roos set, but i dont think they make them but i will keep it in mind. hopefully my friend will come through with the photoshop "demo" that he is going to give me
everyone feel free to email or comment on anything you would like to see or to talk or whatever. im a bit of an insomniac so i tend to hang around this site alot.
p.s. after going without sleep for so long, ive noticed that my 3 current fav sgs profile pics eyes seem to be staring at me

p.s. after going without sleep for so long, ive noticed that my 3 current fav sgs profile pics eyes seem to be staring at me

I plucked them off kitty and chucked them in. It was all quite simple, really.

thank you sweetie
you're a dear.