Who would I be if i didn't inappropriately listen to Coldplay at 1 in the morning. Can anybody fly this thing? tspotify:track:2DHgvPQD1jApRnT1DBZdrS
Forbegivenes. I forbegives everyone, everyone who just wants to make money. because what else, piles of sand, k'mon.
We never learn do we.
Read in the news a headline 'Japan unleashes monetary bazooka'. Reads news headline, 'forty hour workweek blah blah blah'
I'm finally back on mai feet.
edited blogs.
And all the time, all this time. I loved killing zombies to this music. The slow ones.
I love the idea that pot, is not only pot
but there are so many pots in india
people in villages of shanties
making pots
to feed themselves?
Beautiful palaces. Atlas never realized he was a fountain...
We can want things more pure than...
at the same time, what are we, why are we?
we can make ourselves more.
The use of skills.
I find that the real questions start
when you start with not doing anything.
Who makes an honest living without submitting themselves to a company.
Blows my damn mind.
I think i'm going to sell digital goods to digital people.
It's time to change this whole thing up.