I just gotta say, some things dont make sense, but when they do, its unforgettable. like enterring an elementary school to vote. full circle. or like things you take for granted, like weather or not they sell sunscreen at your local gas station, or those items near the door that are prone to hilarious, I'm not actually robbing you theft... and/or I think I can get away with it crime. just hilarious shit like that. or slurpee flavors, am I right? I walked outa there with a Peña colada slurpee , when I'm so much more... adventurous. I don't know, all I know is a good walk to the gas stations what I need.
Oh and don't go berzerk, got some pot action and epic Mickey lined up for tonight. Can't wait. gonna paint our new apartment in zany town, in lieu of Oswalds zany castle... righteous.