Well, it was off to bestbuy for a new secondary graphics card. And boy let me tell you, I got one. P.s. I think i need to draw the line between awkward homo-flirtation and straight up subterfuge on their part. Look, i'm not trying to rule the world, I just think windows 7 is the standard for gaming. ok? A straight up zombie game, a straight up whatever game, and a straight up brilliant game told me windows 7 was the way to go. ok? So it would appear, I am insane, once again. In regards to being at best buy without any knowledge but this. but why all these upgrades? Windows you're once, twice, three times the holy bitch, and I still in love with windows 10.
He was like, "we got luke skywalker right here, posing as a mentally ill person."
I'm sunk in my mind, and say to myself "I want to play Final Fantasy XIV online, but just to like fish and sell tanned leathers.
He's like, we got us a sexy mentally ill luke skywalker.
I'm all like.
Stop this.
I think to myself now, and the most basic of the common crashing problems referenced windows 7 as the solution, so i'm on the whole entirely normal. Everyone loves windows 7. says the forums. says zoidburg. And screw it, magic me the hell up japan.
One kid, was all like, "I'm gonna ask Kinda Man to do it"
So, I wore my America shirt from ... i'm awesome store ... and it's the day after labor day. While I'm on disability... Need to start earning money for all the things I blow it on.
On second thought, I taught my dog to love America, or at least the flag. And I look like a cursed hobbit. What a hilarious jokester I am. =(
The hunt for half year roomates continues...
ps. what's up with Halloween and that one movie...
ps. what's up with walawegie being a coked' out serial romantic
I just don't know how I feel about that anymore....
Wait, what they said on the support phone line. Welcome back to the Favorite Windows 7 taskbar, now in windows 10! Hooray I want to say this is entirely plausible now that i'm 'quote' sane enough. ha ha ha. lol.