hmmmm... i've read alot of good reviews about this band called wolfmother so i bought it this weekend. ok, so they ripped off every great song from the 70's. not a bad cd mind you but it sounds like every 70's rock song you ever heard.
jimi hendrix is spinning in his grave. robert plant is just spinning, but that just him.
jimi hendrix is spinning in his grave. robert plant is just spinning, but that just him.
its... good -shudder-
they didnt stop with the music though...
they ripped off the art too
i for one welcome the change. them and jet.
fuck it. im cliche im trashy and tacky and i have no taste.
it clicked when i saw it on vh1 and heard it im like
the video its... late sixties -mid seventies vibe
but has a mid eighties thrash-clash vibe to it
and the simplicity is ringing of something fomr the nineties
so they cant be old..
i wish i knew who did their fucking album art it is rather rad.
im so blonde i didnt recognize it im like wait i HAVE heard of them before...
yeah.... will mentioned them SHIT! haha
...and you really need a new profile pic of what you look like now! You gotta show that off! And sing me a Scissorfight song while you're at it.