HAPPY THANKSGIVING URBODY!!! Enjoy your turkey and stuffing and all that stuff. I am having two this year which means I will probably be sleeping through friday. Happy holidays everyone and travel safely!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING URBODY!!! Enjoy your turkey and stuffing and all that stuff. I am having two this year which means I will probably be sleeping through friday. Happy holidays everyone and travel safely!
A lot of pain and little sleep make will a dull boyA lot of pain and little sleep make will a dull boyA lot of pain and little sleep make will a dull boyA lot of pain and little sleep make will a dull boyA lot of pain and little sleep make will a dull boyA lot of pain and little sleep make will a... Read More
wow......at least you have someone to give you a sponge bath, right???
what did they give you, vicodin? are you taking a lot of it?
the ritas were excellent.....
So it's under the knife for me. I am having my leg cut apart in a few weeks. Doc said that he couldn't believe that I have been walking around on it and that I could have fuckeed it up permenantly. So they are making a fake ACL out of another part of my knee, drilling some holes through the bone and saying a little... Read More