Managed to shred my hands at work. looks like i been playing knuckles with edward scissorhands (i nearly forgot how to spell scissors...i need sleep)
nearly weekend though [woop woop] and out of the 50 billion people that said "yeah man i'd love to do you some more dreads", 1 has finally arranged (in a sobre state) to give it a proper session tommorow. taking bets on how long before he gets distracted by a house full of peps...
wish me luck.
Managed to shred my hands at work. looks like i been playing knuckles with edward scissorhands (i nearly forgot how to spell scissors...i need sleep)
nearly weekend though [woop woop] and out of the 50 billion people that said "yeah man i'd love to do you some more dreads", 1 has finally arranged (in a sobre state) to give it a proper session tommorow. taking bets on how long before he gets distracted by a house full of peps...
wish me luck.