-April 30th, 1006 - Supernova SN 1006, the brightest supernova in recorded history, appears in the constellation Lupus.
-April 30th,1492 - Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.
-April 30th,1789 - On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States.
-April 30th,1803 - Louisiana Purchase: The United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the young nation.
-April 30th, 1812 - The Territory of Orleans becomes the 18th U.S. state under the name Louisiana.
-April 30th,1975 - Fall of Saigon (or Liberation of Saigon from the Communist perspective): Communist forces gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Duong Van Minh.
-April 30th, 1945 - Adolf Hitler, Austrian dictator, coward, madman, drug addict, misuse of protoplasm, foul murderer of millions, imperfection personified, of Nazi Germany, denied the world justice by committing suicide, and not facing the Nuremberg Trails.
-April 30th, 1993 - CERN announces World Wide Web protocols will be free.
*Note: Go team Button!
Kisses, Captain for Dark Mornings.