He's bombing me at the moment. Jerk.
Also, he's cute.
-April 30th, 1006 - Supernova SN 1006, the brightest supernova in recorded history, appears in the constellation Lupus.
-April 30th,1492 - Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.
-April 30th,1789 - On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States.
-April 30th,1803 -...
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wildswan is very sick; she's been running a high fever for more than a week and is in a lot of pain. She appreciates that people have wished her a happy birthday.
Your humble scribe,
Sandwich of the week:
Apple, Gruyre, and arugula on sourdough:
-Real sourdough, please. Don't use that fake stuff. Sliced, of course.
-Sliced apple. I prefer to use Fuji, or Granny Smith. They provide the right amount of tartness.
-Gruyre cheese. Sliced. I don't think the deliciousness of Gruyre needs to be explained.
-Arugula: A perfect balance and foil to the apple.
Sear the apple...
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If we were having a discussion about Korean and African American hostilities in Los Angeles, and I posted a link to a wikipedia entry on "minorities" I'd feel sort of dumb.
Oh, hey, I'm using your journal to say the things I won't in that in that thread!
I'm very ill. These are my first moments not wishing I were dead, but I've used up all of my energy just to say that.

Seriously, Indonesia has leapt to the top of my shit list this week.
Also, happy belated birthday!