Well went and saw the Heartless Bastards play last night at the Ravari Room. The Helmet show coming up soon at that place will be a mess no doubt. Another Gallery Hop weekend in the Short North and Lost Weekend Records is having a nice roundup of bands playing both Friday and Saturday at Ruby Tuesdays. With the humidity of August finally kicking in full tilt in Ohio, I have stared to try some of these lighter wines to give me a break from the beer. Found this one style from Portugal, Vino Verde, which is pretty good and on average below 10 dollars in part because the alcohol content is a little lower than other wines. Might explain why it seems like some wine conisseurs in the area buy it up by the case for the summer and I guess it's a good choice for a sangria mix.
Humidity has sucked so bad lately!

you should check out TubRing aug. 25th @ the ravari room!!!