Today was a nice relaxing day - I put the Red Sox - Yankees game on but I fell asleep in the middle of it - it's not often I actually sit and watch any TV at all !
Had to take the kids to buy their pumpkins...they carved them into jack-o-lanterns and added them to my mum and scarecrow display on the front steps of the house. I still have to get them some fake spider webs at the party store so they can wrap it all around the bushes.
Have a great week, it's a long weekend - Columbus Day is next Monday
Had to take the kids to buy their pumpkins...they carved them into jack-o-lanterns and added them to my mum and scarecrow display on the front steps of the house. I still have to get them some fake spider webs at the party store so they can wrap it all around the bushes.
Have a great week, it's a long weekend - Columbus Day is next Monday

wow! jack-o-lanterns already!!! i was gonna buy a pumpkin yesterday but decided to wait! (the squirrels always end up eating mine!)
I don' think that Arizona celebrates Columbus day.