Note To Self : DO NOT go to the aquarium on a Sunday during school vacation !! It was way to crowded and not enjoyable at all - we ended up leaving after a short while and instead took to the kids to an old cemetary in Exeter, RI.....a young girl named Mercy Brown is buried there - from the 1800's I believe...she was thought to be a vampire by the people of her time. There has been a documentary on TV about her and other people from New England thought to be witches and/or vampires. Another place the boys want to visit is the house of Lizzie Borden in Fall River, Massachusetts - it is now a bed and breakfast believed to be haunted....I don't think I could sleep there overnight, I'm a big chicken
Goodnight, Sleep tight XOXO

when she saw what see had done..
she gave her father forty one.
[Edited on Aug 01, 2005 7:24PM]
i dont know if you keep up on sg radio so i'll give a little explanation.
Manko has a segment on it, she talks about pretty much anything. one early one was about goth spotting, and one of her points was that a true goth never would admit to being a goth, the person would claim to be a vampire.
so maybe those people weren't vampires, instead really really gothy people