While driving to work this morning I heard some disturbing news on the radio - I didn't catch all the details but the jist of the story is this : a 14 year old boy in Providence had some other kid/kids give him corn rows in his hair.He was supposed to pay them $10 when they were done - he didn't have the money so they beat him to death - someone else who heard the story said they beat him with a baseball bat but I'm not sure of the exact details....I don't know about anyone else but hearing things like this scares me to death ! Why doesn't anyone have any respect for anyone else these days ?? If they are doing this at age 14, what are they going to be doing to people in a few more years ?

it has alot to do with how they are raised! when i was growing up i was terrified of my mom and dad. nowadays, kids don't respect their parents and the parents don't punish them enough when they are wrong.
Anyways, I hope your doing well.
Take care.